What We Do
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Desk Research
- Survey Design
- Survey Script Writing
- Data Collection
- Data Processing
- Quality Control Measure
- In-depth Interview (Face2face)
- Online IDI
- Focus Group(Face2face)
- Online Focus Group
- Pre- market study
- Post-Market study
- Desk research
- In Home Visit
- Observations
- Ethnography
- Case Study
- Mystery Shopping
We conduct quantitative studies with sample sizes ranging from just a few hundred to tens of thousands, depending on research design and scope.
- Satisfaction Survey
- Central Location Test
- Panel – We have over 10,000
panelists spanning across
Nigeria in the 6 Geopolitical
zones (Lagos, Kano, Enugu,
Abuja, Kano & Bauchi)
Using PESTEL and SWOT models, we conduct extensive secondary research to broaden your understanding of your prospective industry, applicable government policies, key players, marketing strategies as well as consumers profile.
Our Survey design involves the planning of the whole survey project and the outlining the steps to take when conducting the survey. These steps start from the formulation of the survey goals and end at the interpretation of the survey results.
For clients who are not familiar with market research, we take the time to explain how it works, to patiently answer questions, explain the pros and cons of different methodologies, help formulate research objectives and questions, and to demonstrate how each aspect of the research contributes to achieving their objectives.
We have the know-how to handle both online and offline survey scripting internally.
We are endowed with experienced and seasoned script writers with vast knowledge of research methodologies to handle digital data collection.
The script writers among other things always consider the following in order to ensure flexibility and accuracy of data collected.
- Understand the questionnaire structure and flow
- Ensure that all question routines and branches are properly placed.
- Understand the data format and data structure required by clients, and ensure the script delivered are of these terms.
We appreciate the importance of quality data collection in ascertaining the integrity and quality of data. We are endowed with experienced and seasoned field officers with vast knowledge of research methodologies to handle digital data collection.
Data processing is 100% done in-house by well trained and experienced Data Processing Programmers and data analysts- using the latest and most flexible available market research software.
Quality controls are carried out at three stages; before actual fieldwork commences, while fieldwork is in progress and finally after interviews have been completed.
In order to ensure that high quality data is collected, three standard quality control mechanisms are adopted on all projects:
Accompaniments of interviewers, On Spot Checks of interviewers, Back checks of completed interviews.
Would you like to start a project with us?
Reach out to us concerning any research projects and our team, will respond to you as soon as possible…